Friday, February 17, 2012


Dear Reader,

Valentines Day
has passed with great success.
Feelings of love
perpetually travel around the house.

celebrations are fun

a great way to point out the love
that we are all connected by

Now signs of Spring are emerging everywhere.
Raccoons scurrying across the roads,
Squirrels out and about; 
twitching their noses
collecting new bedding materials.
And my favorite,
 the sweet songs of birds returning. 


My family 

is content 
is settled 
in the 

I on the other hand
am having the first signs 
Spring fever.


Feverishly scheming







Just as I
once upon a time 

a friend
pointed me in the direction
to have a child

I feel this way about


The end reward 

I am choosing to begin
at the

with a


on the honey bee

its relations. 

Planning on beautiful honey hives
of the alluring
queen bee

on my little private 
corner of this earth.

dreaming  sweet


Thursday, September 1, 2011


Dear Friend,
Next Monday is suppose to be the first day of school. 
Our first day, 
the local public school went back on the 24th of August. 
Which always makes me feel a ting sad 

that Emma is not going to be one of them. 

 For all the delights homeschool brings me...
I remember all the fun school was for me too...
It is such a tug of war.

I am guessing 


as a homeschool mom 
I am always going to feel that little ping 
'should I send her' 

every school year. 

This year is no exception.

A bit of Waldorf, a dash of Unschooling, a sprinkle of Montessori...
So far everything she has learned she has discovered on her own
or with little assistance from me. 

Therefor she owns it, 
its hers, 
she's the teacher, 
she's the chemist, 
the cook and baker, 
she's the reader 
the story book maker. 

So I sit here debating on what to do, 
where we are going?
how we are going to get there?
and maybe I should just ride the wave for what it is. 

But then 
I get nervous, 
like all mothers, 
wondering if she will be left behind, 
what would happen if I had to go back to work, 
but I digress...

worrying about tomorrow makes for a poor today.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

::Lion Snack Quick Bread::

Dear Reader,

 I have a little girl who is only 11 months. 
Yet she has been feeding herself for a while now. 
That means a bit of frustration 
when it comes to mommy feeding her. 

Frustration on both parts. 

So I completely oblige and give her food she can comfortably feed herself. 
But what to do with all that left over baby food...

 This past baking day 
as I was patiently and meditatively kneading out my Tassajara Bread 
it hit me... 
to make a flavored quick bread for my sweet little one. 


Out of throwing few ingredients together

more out of necessity to rid of overstocked baby food 

this simple yet very satisfying recipe emerged. 

The older kids love these too.

Lion Snack Quick Bread
1 egg - organic or backyard raised.
7 oz. baby food - I used two packs of the Ella Organic baby food.
1 C flour - I used the Gold organic but will be switching to Wheat Montana.
1/2 C oatmeal - I used Happy Bellies Organic.
1 tsp. seasoning - I did add cinnamon to mine but one was sweet potato and the other was apple. Use your own culinary instincts if you would like to add any seasonings.

Preheat oven at 350°. Grease muffin tin or line with baking cups. Bake for half an hour or until toothpick comes out clean. When done baking let cool and enjoy. 

Yields 6 muffins.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

here it is

dear kindred spirit, reader, friend,
here it is

the truth


I fancy myself an artist.
that very statement is a secret
well, it was a secret

it is a funny thing
to me
to want to be something
that you feel you should have some 
at least a feeling of authentication.
I suppose 
art show,
a fan club,
a degree,
actually verifying that another 
your art,
your creation,
a piece of you.

but I am a little past 
and am just going to take the 
and let everyone know



Monday, April 4, 2011

the best peanut butter cookies

::Dear Kindred Spirit::

We have been spending most of our time outdoors this week. The little ladybugs that laid dormant in our home are coming out in full force looking for a way to escape to the fresh air.

I sewed up a little bear and he enjoyed the fresh air too. He was a little shy. I enticed him out of hiding with the promise of peanut butter cookies. We shared a cup of coffee before he agreed to pose for a few pictures. A pattern to come soon.

The BEST soft and chewy peanut butter cookies. This is a basic recipe substitute ingredients where you see fit...

2 sticks butter
1 cup peanutbutter
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
2 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix dry ingredients set aside. Mix butter and sugars until creamy. Add eggs, one at a time. After the eggs are well Incorporated, beat in the vanilla and peanut butter. Add the dry ingredients. Then add in the chocolate chips. Drop by rounded spoon full and bake for 10-12 min. Enjoy!!


Monday, March 21, 2011


Dear Kindred Spirit:: 

It is spring. It really really is. It is wet, cool and we have seven eggs stashed. I am so happy.
Last night while Jason read to the kids their story, Farmer Boy, I went for a walk in the cool night air. The moon so bright and full it coaxed me to take his picture. In my poor attempts I manged to capture a nice brightly lit dot. But I forgive myself and will keep the photos in remembrance of that glorious night I was able to take the time to enjoy the night sky just for being itself. Cool crisp and full of anticipation for what is to come. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011


::Dear Kindred Spirit::

Here I am, truly, with the best intentions to write everyday. But, alas, I am dreaming of Summer. Of a bowl full of blueberry's, of canning, of Sal. I am being tickled by late evenings and sparkly skies.

It all started on Monday, when I stuck my head out of the second floor window. It overlooks the front yard, first you see the roof of the porch below. But just after that, a few feet ahead, are pine trees, ten in all, clustered together to give the illusion of a random natural wood. Planted by previous owners. And just after that three rows of carefully planted trees, twelve in all. Deliberately separated and planted in rows by owners that came after the pine trees. And there just out of my reach, was a sweet little robin. Hoping around...searching for breakfast. I never before, until this moment, understood the joy it would be to own a telephoto lens...

I am coming up with a spring to do list. All of which are things that I want to do, not the things that need to be done, exploring, trips to the park, trips to the out doors.

Here I am, with my head in the clouds while my chores are pulling on my apron stings and my eyes are glossed over looking out the window dreaming...of spring.