Wednesday, August 31, 2011

::Lion Snack Quick Bread::

Dear Reader,

 I have a little girl who is only 11 months. 
Yet she has been feeding herself for a while now. 
That means a bit of frustration 
when it comes to mommy feeding her. 

Frustration on both parts. 

So I completely oblige and give her food she can comfortably feed herself. 
But what to do with all that left over baby food...

 This past baking day 
as I was patiently and meditatively kneading out my Tassajara Bread 
it hit me... 
to make a flavored quick bread for my sweet little one. 


Out of throwing few ingredients together

more out of necessity to rid of overstocked baby food 

this simple yet very satisfying recipe emerged. 

The older kids love these too.

Lion Snack Quick Bread
1 egg - organic or backyard raised.
7 oz. baby food - I used two packs of the Ella Organic baby food.
1 C flour - I used the Gold organic but will be switching to Wheat Montana.
1/2 C oatmeal - I used Happy Bellies Organic.
1 tsp. seasoning - I did add cinnamon to mine but one was sweet potato and the other was apple. Use your own culinary instincts if you would like to add any seasonings.

Preheat oven at 350°. Grease muffin tin or line with baking cups. Bake for half an hour or until toothpick comes out clean. When done baking let cool and enjoy. 

Yields 6 muffins.

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