Thursday, September 1, 2011


Dear Friend,
Next Monday is suppose to be the first day of school. 
Our first day, 
the local public school went back on the 24th of August. 
Which always makes me feel a ting sad 

that Emma is not going to be one of them. 

 For all the delights homeschool brings me...
I remember all the fun school was for me too...
It is such a tug of war.

I am guessing 


as a homeschool mom 
I am always going to feel that little ping 
'should I send her' 

every school year. 

This year is no exception.

A bit of Waldorf, a dash of Unschooling, a sprinkle of Montessori...
So far everything she has learned she has discovered on her own
or with little assistance from me. 

Therefor she owns it, 
its hers, 
she's the teacher, 
she's the chemist, 
the cook and baker, 
she's the reader 
the story book maker. 

So I sit here debating on what to do, 
where we are going?
how we are going to get there?
and maybe I should just ride the wave for what it is. 

But then 
I get nervous, 
like all mothers, 
wondering if she will be left behind, 
what would happen if I had to go back to work, 
but I digress...

worrying about tomorrow makes for a poor today.